sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Survey Bypasser

Bypassing surveys is somehow a very requested feature lately. So many people try each day to find a working software or tool, with which they will be able to skip surveys. But, unfortunately, most of the softwares they find on Google or Youtube is completely crap.How to bypass surveys? – that’s the question they ask always more.

What is a survey?

Check this wikipedia article for more information.
Locking a file with a survey is a solution always more used by people who want to “protect” an important file or software, and at the same time earn something from it, so they can finance their projects.
There are many types of survey, pin submits, email submits, downloads and questionaries. Some of them are easy as hell to do, some are difficult and require time and concentration. Everything depends on the country you are viewing the surveys.
However, people still complaint that they aren’t able to complete a survey to unlock their desired content. So, we are going to show you how to bypass surveys, through our self-developed survey bypasser.

How to bypass surveys?

But let’s get down to brass tacks, you are here to know how to bypass surveys. Our survey bypasser is user-friendly and fast. Simply copy and paste the survey link, then choose the network (we support a large number of networks – fileice, sharecash, cleanfiles and so on) and hit the “start” button. In some minutes your download will start and you will get your desired file in your download folder.
No crap, no virus, no bullshit guaranteed.

You might have noticed it, our download link redirects to a survey list. This software was developed with high-costing tools, and we had to invest our money in it. Surely you will have two minutes of your free time to complete a simple survey – the last in your entire life -, to finance our software and let us improve it with always more networks supported and bugfixes. Currently it is in a sort of “beta-stage”, so some bugs may show up – report them to our support -. We hope you will understand and support us.
How to bypass surveys? – we have just given you an answer to that question – you only have to download our survey bypasser, and start downloading files without wasting your time! What are you waiting for?